1. Designing the perfect workspace

    Open office spaces are at the moment very hot , but a nightmare for the acoustics . 

    Open office acoustic solution

    But there are ways to solve that problem , by using acoustic absorbant materials in the right way we can achieve again a acoustic comfortable space , that emediatly will pay the investment back by the more engaged and more productive staff.

    Using the CLIPSO Sound AeroCeiling frames is one of the easy'st systems to use in your office at a verry low price for it's high quality finish , our acoustic frames can be ordered with standard meassurements but it's also possible to order frames on your meassurements , the frames will then be pre-assambeled in our workspace and will be shipped as a plug&play kit or if wanted as a full assembled frame . 

    Installing the acoustic frame in your office / workspace is very simpel , the frames can be mounted right on the ceiling or wall . And if you wand the acoustic frames can also be monted with hangers from the wall and the ceiling. All you need to do is tell us what type of mounting you want to use and we can offer you all the right mountings and hangers for the installation . 

    Do you want more info ? Give us a call on : +32485483035 or send us a e-mail on : Info@stretchgroup.be, you also can read more about the frames on our website at : AeroCeiling

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  2. Also a bad acoustic in your restaurant ?

    Also a bad acoustic in your restaurant ? 

    The problem reverberation (also experienced as a short echo) is caused by the frequent use of hard materials in the interior. The acoustics are poor in many catering establishments such as restaurants, cafés, nightclubs and clubs. Bad acoustics in this sector are particularly bad for customer satisfaction. Visitors experience poor intelligibility at the table, are not at ease and lack an intimate atmosphere that belongs to a night out, a subsequent visit to your business has quickly gone wrong. An investment in improving the acoustics in your space therefore pays for itself very quickly.

    What is the solution?

    In short: apply sufficient absorbent materials to hard reflective surfaces. There are various products and materials to make the acoustic climate pleasant. For example, you can think of creating more privacy by installing shield panels. Screen panels ensure that noise is distributed less in space.

    Products for walls

    To reduce the reflections that come from the walls, you can use CLIPSO acoustic stretch walls, CLIPSO aeroceiling (to be mounted against the walls, and various melamine foam and polyester wool products.) One wall in your room often gives a special result.

    Products for ceiling

    To reduce reflections from the ceiling, especially in high rooms, you can think of products (materials) such as ceiling frames from CLIPSO Aeroceiling, but if you want a very nice ceiling where you do not notice that there are panels or the like, you can also choose an acoustical stretch ceiling (CLIPSO acoustic). Of course you can also mount baffles and the like against the existing ceiling but with a stretch ceiling you still have a much nicer finish.

    What do I need to improve the acoustics?

    When applying a 60% of the floor surface to acoustic products in your case, the improvement can be described as reasonable to good (example: 100 m² of floor space, adding a minimum of 25 to 30 m² absorption surface). In practice, however, a percentage of 25 to 30% already shows a considerable improvement. We therefore recommend tackling the problem in one or two phases,

    Under tables?

    The application of absorbent material underneath tables is particularly poor. This only has some results if there are many and large tables and there is a lot of reflection of sound via the (hard) floor. A good approach is to mount absorbent materials and products on walls and / or the ceiling. Do not concentrate on one place but spread through the case.

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